Multi-round inference¶
In the previous tutorials, we have inferred the posterior using single-round inference. In single-round inference, we draw parameters from the prior, simulate the corresponding data, and then train a neural network to obtain the posterior. However, if one is interested in only one particular observation x_o
sampling from the prior can be inefficient in the number of simulations because one is effectively learning a posterior estimate for all observations in the prior space. In this tutorial, we show how one can alleviate this issue by performing multi-round inference with sbi
Multi-round inference also starts by drawing parameters from the prior, simulating them, and training a neural network to estimate the posterior distribution. Afterwards, however, it continues inference in multiple rounds, focusing on a particular observation x_o
. In each new round of inference, it draws samples from the obtained posterior distribution conditioned at x_o
(instead of from the prior), simulates these, and trains the network again. This process can be repeated arbitrarily often to get increasingly good approximations to the true posterior distribution at x_o
Running multi-round inference can be more efficient in the number of simulations, but it will lead to the posterior no longer being amortized (i.e. it will be accurate only for a specific observation x_o
, not for any x
Note, you can find the original version of this notebook at in the sbi
Main syntax¶
# 2 rounds: first round simulates from the prior, second round simulates parameter set
# that were sampled from the obtained posterior.
num_rounds = 2
# The specific observation we want to focus the inference on.
x_o = torch.zeros(
posteriors = []
proposal = prior
for _ in range(num_rounds):
theta, x = simulate_for_sbi(simulator, proposal, num_simulations=500)
# In `SNLE` and `SNRE`, you should not pass the `proposal` to `.append_simulations()`
density_estimator = inference.append_simulations(
theta, x, proposal=proposal
posterior = inference.build_posterior(density_estimator)
proposal = posterior.set_default_x(x_o)
Linear Gaussian example¶
Below, we give a full example of inferring the posterior distribution over multiple rounds.
import torch
from sbi.inference import SNPE, prepare_for_sbi, simulate_for_sbi
from sbi.utils.get_nn_models import posterior_nn
from sbi import utils as utils
from sbi import analysis as analysis
_ = torch.manual_seed(0)
First, we define a simple prior and simulator and ensure that they comply with sbi
by using prepare_for_sbi
num_dim = 3
prior = utils.BoxUniform(low=-2 * torch.ones(num_dim), high=2 * torch.ones(num_dim))
def linear_gaussian(theta):
return theta + 1.0 + torch.randn_like(theta) * 0.1
simulator, prior = prepare_for_sbi(linear_gaussian, prior)
Then, we instantiate the inference object:
inference = SNPE(prior=prior)
And we can run inference. In this example, we will run inference over 2
rounds, potentially leading to a more focused posterior around the observation x_o
num_rounds = 2
x_o = torch.zeros(
posteriors = []
proposal = prior
for _ in range(num_rounds):
theta, x = simulate_for_sbi(simulator, proposal, num_simulations=500)
density_estimator = inference.append_simulations(
theta, x, proposal=proposal
posterior = inference.build_posterior(density_estimator)
proposal = posterior.set_default_x(x_o)
Running 500 simulations.: 0%| | 0/500 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Neural network successfully converged after 157 epochs.
Drawing 500 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/500 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Running 500 simulations.: 0%| | 0/500 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Using SNPE-C with atomic loss
Neural network successfully converged after 58 epochs.
Note that, for num_rounds>1
, the posterior is no longer amortized: it will give good results when sampled around x=observation
, but possibly bad results for other x
Once we have obtained the posterior, we can .sample()
, .log_prob()
, or .pairplot()
in the same way as for the simple interface.
posterior_samples = posterior.sample((10000,), x=x_o)
# plot posterior samples
_ = analysis.pairplot(
posterior_samples, limits=[[-2, 2], [-2, 2], [-2, 2]], figsize=(5, 5)
Drawing 10000 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/10000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]