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How should I save and load objects in sbi?

NeuralPosterior objects are picklable.

import pickle

# ... run inference
posterior = inference.build_posterior()

with open("/path/to/my_posterior.pkl", "wb") as handle:
    pickle.dump(posterior, handle)

Note: posterior objects that were saved under sbi v0.22.0 or older cannot be loaded under sbi v0.23.0 or newer.

Note: posterior objects that were saved under sbi v0.17.2 or older cannot be loaded under sbi v0.18.0 or newer.

Note: if you try to load a posterior that was saved under sbi v0.14.x or earlier under sbi v0.15.x until sbi v0.17.x, you have to add:

import sys
from sbi.utils import user_input_checks_utils

sys.modules["sbi.user_input.user_input_checks_utils"] = user_input_checks_utils

to your script before loading the posterior.

As of sbi v0.18.0, NeuralInference objects are also picklable.

import pickle

# ... run inference
posterior = inference.build_posterior()

with open("/path/to/my_inference.pkl", "wb") as handle:
    pickle.dump(inference, handle)

However, saving and loading the inference object will slightly modify the object (in order to make it serializable). These modifications lead to the following two changes in behavior:

1) Retraining from scratch is not supported, i.e. .train(..., retrain_from_scratch=True) does not work. 2) When the loaded object calls the .train() method, it generates a new tensorboard summary writer (instead of appending to the current one).

I trained a model on a GPU. Can I load it on a CPU?

The code snippet below allows to load inference objects on a CPU if they were saved on a GPU. Note that the neural net also needs to be moved to CPU.

import io
import pickle

class CPU_Unpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
    def find_class(self, module, name):
        if module == '' and name == '_load_from_bytes':
            return lambda b: torch.load(io.BytesIO(b), map_location='cpu')
            return super().find_class(module, name)

with open("/path/to/my_inference.pkl", "rb") as f:
    inference = CPU_Unpickler(f).load()

posterior = inference.build_posterior("cpu"))

Loading inference objects on CPU can be useful for inspection. However, resuming training on CPU for an inference object trained on a GPU is currently not supported. If this is strictly required by your workflow, consider setting inference._device = "cpu" before calling inference.train().