Refining posterior estimates with importance sampling¶
SBI estimates the posterior \(p(\theta|x) = {p(\theta)p(x|\theta)}/{p(x)}\) based on samples from the prior \(\theta\sim p(\theta)\) and the likelihood \(x\sim p(x|\theta)\). Sometimes, we can do both, sample and evaluate the prior and likelihood. In this case, we can combine the simulation-based estimate \(q(\theta|x)\) with likelihood-based importance sampling, and thereby generate an asymptotically exact estimate for \(p(\theta|x)\).
Importance weights¶
The main idea is to interpret \(q(\theta|x)\) as a proposal distribution and generate proposal samples \(\theta_i\sim q(\theta|x)\), and then augment each sample with an importance weight \(w_i = p(\theta_i|x) / q(\theta_i|x)\). The definition of the importance weights is motivated from Monte Carlo estimates for the random variable \(f(\theta)\),
We can rewrite this expression as
Instead of sampling \(\theta_i\sim p(\theta_i|x)\), we can thus sample \(\theta_i\sim q(\theta_i|x)\) and attach a corresponding importance weight \(w_i\) to each sample. Intuitively, the importance weights downweight samples where \(q(\theta|x)\) overestimates \(p(\theta|x)\) and upweight samples where \(p(\theta|x)\) underestimates \(q(\theta|x)\).
from torch import ones, eye
import torch
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sbi.inference import NPE, ImportanceSamplingPosterior
from sbi.utils import BoxUniform
from sbi.inference.potentials.base_potential import BasePotential
from sbi.analysis import marginal_plot
WARNING (pytensor.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.
We first define a simulator and a prior which both have functions for sampling (as required for SBI) and log_prob evaluations (as required for importance sampling).
Next we train an NPE model for inference.
Now we perfrom inference with the model.
# define prior and simulator
class Simulator:
def __init__(self):
def log_likelihood(self, theta, x):
return MultivariateNormal(theta, eye(2)).log_prob(x)
def sample(self, theta):
return theta + torch.randn((theta.shape))
prior = BoxUniform(-5 * ones((2,)), 5 * ones((2,)))
sim = Simulator()
log_prob_fn = lambda theta, x_o: sim.log_likelihood(theta, x_o) + prior.log_prob(theta)
# generate train data
_ = torch.manual_seed(3)
theta = prior.sample((10,))
x = sim.sample(theta)
# train NPE model
_ = torch.manual_seed(4)
inference = NPE(prior=prior)
_ = inference.append_simulations(theta, x).train()
posterior = inference.build_posterior()
# generate a synthetic observation
_ = torch.manual_seed(2)
theta_gt = prior.sample((1,))
observation = sim.sample(theta_gt)[0]
posterior = posterior.set_default_x(observation)
print("observations.shape", observation.shape)
# sample from posterior
theta_inferred = posterior.sample((10_000,))
Neural network successfully converged after 70 epochs.observations.shape torch.Size([2])
Drawing 10000 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/10000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
In this case, we know the ground truth posterior, so we can compare NPE to it:
fig, ax = marginal_plot(
[theta_inferred, gt_samples],
limits=[[-5, 5], [-5, 5]],
figsize=(5, 1.5),
diag="kde", # smooth histogram
ax[1].legend(["NPE", "Groud Truth"], loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=[2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
While NPE is not completely off, it does not provide a perfect fit to the posterior. In cases where the likelihood is tractable, we can fix this with importance sampling.
Importance sampling with the SBI toolbox¶
With the SBI toolbox, importance sampling is a one-liner. SBI supports two methods for importance sampling:
- "importance"
: returns n_samples
weighted samples (as above) corresponding to n_samples * sample_efficiency
samples from the posterior. This results in unbiased samples, but the number of effective samples may be small when the SBI estimate is inaccurate.
- "sir"
(sampling-importance-resampling): performs rejection sampling on a batched basis with batch size oversampling_factor
. This is a guaranteed way to obtain N / oversampling_factor
samples, but these may be biased as the weight normalization is not performed across the entire set of samples.
posterior_sir = ImportanceSamplingPosterior(
theta_inferred_sir = posterior_sir.sample(
Drawing 9984 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/9984 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Drawing 9984 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/9984 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Drawing 9984 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/9984 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Drawing 2048 posterior samples: 0%| | 0/2048 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
fig, ax = marginal_plot(
[theta_inferred, theta_inferred_sir, gt_samples],
limits=[[-5, 5], [-5, 5]],
figsize=(5, 1.5),
diag="kde", # smooth histogram
ax[1].legend(["NPE", "NPE-IS", "Groud Truth"], loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=[2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
Indeed, the importance-sampled posterior matches the ground truth well, despite significant deviations of the initial NPE estimate.