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Posterior Predictive Checks (PPC) in SBI

A common safety check performed as part of inference are Posterior Predictive Checks (PPC). A PPC compares data \(x_{\text{pp}}\) generated using the parameters \(\theta_{\text{posterior}}\) sampled from the posterior with the observed data \(x_o\). The general concept is that -if the inference is correct- the generated data \(x_{\text{pp}}\) should “look similar” to the oberved data \(x_0\). Said differently, \(x_o\) should be within the support of \(x_{\text{pp}}\).

A PPC usually should not be used as a validation metric. Nonetheless a PPC is a good start for an inference diagnosis and can provide an intuition about any bias introduced in inference: does \(x_{\text{pp}}\) systematically differ from \(x_o\)?

Conceptual Code for PPC

The following illustrates the main approach of PPCs. We have a trained neural posterior and want to check the correlation between the observation(s) \(x_o\) and the posterior sample(s) \(x_{\text{pp}}\).

from sbi.analysis import pairplot

# A PPC is performed after we trained a neural posterior `posterior`
posterior.set_default_x(x_o) # x_o loaded from disk for example

# We draw theta samples from the posterior. This part is not in the scope of SBI
posterior_samples = posterior.sample((5_000,))

# We use posterior theta samples to generate x data
x_pp = simulator(posterior_samples)

# We verify if the observed data falls within the support of the generated data
_ = pairplot(

Performing a PPC of a toy example

Below we provide an example Posterior Predictive Check (PPC) of some toy example:

import torch

from sbi.analysis import pairplot

_ = torch.manual_seed(0)
WARNING (pytensor.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.

We work on an inference problem over three parameters using any of the techniques implemented in sbi. In this tutorial, we load the dummy posterior (from a python module toy_posterior_for_07_cc alongside this notebook):

from toy_posterior_for_07_cc import ExamplePosterior

posterior = ExamplePosterior()

Let us say that we are observing the data point \(x_o\):

D = 5  # simulator output was 5-dimensional
x_o = torch.ones(1, D)

The posterior can be used to draw \(\theta_{\text{posterior}}\) samples:

posterior_samples = posterior.sample((5_000,))

fig, ax = pairplot(
    limits=torch.tensor([[-2.5, 2.5]] * 3),
    figsize=(5, 5),
    labels=[rf"$\theta_{d}$" for d in range(3)],


Now we can use our simulator to generate some data \(x_{\text{PP}}\). We will use the poterior samples \(\theta_{\text{posterior}}\) as input parameters. Note that the simulation part is not in the sbi scope, so any simulator -including a non-Python one- can be used at this stage. In our case we’ll use a dummy simulator for the sake of demonstration:

def dummy_simulator(theta: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
    """ a function performing a simulation emulating a real simulator outside sbi

        theta: parameters to control the simulation (in this tutorial,
            these are the posterior_samples $\theta_{\text{posterior}}$ obtained
            from the trained posterior.
        args: parameters
        kwargs: keyword arguments

    sample_size = theta.shape[0] # number of posterior_samples
    scale = 1.0

    shift = torch.distributions.Gumbel(loc=torch.zeros(D), scale=scale / 2).sample()
    return torch.distributions.Gumbel(loc=x_o[0] + shift, scale=scale).sample(

x_pp = dummy_simulator(posterior_samples)

Plotting \(x_o\) against the \(x_{\text{pp}}\), we perform a PPC that represents a sanity check. In this case, the check indicates that \(x_o\) falls right within the support of \(x_{\text{pp}}\), which should make the experimenter rather confident about the estimated posterior:

_ = pairplot(
    limits=torch.tensor([[-2.0, 5.0]] * 5),
    figsize=(8, 8),
    upper_kwargs=dict(marker=".", s=5),
        points_offdiag=dict(marker="+", markersize=20),
    labels=[rf"$x_{d}$" for d in range(D)],


In contrast, \(x_o\) falling well outside the support of \(x_{\text{pp}}\) is indicative of a failure to estimate the correct posterior. Here we simulate such a failure mode (by introducing a constant shift to the observations, which the neural estimator was not trained on):

error_shift = -2.0 * torch.ones(1, 5)

_ = pairplot(
    points=x_o[0] + error_shift, # shift the observations
    limits=torch.tensor([[-2.0, 5.0]] * 5),
    figsize=(8, 8),
    upper_kwargs=dict(marker=".", s=5),
        points_offdiag=dict(marker="+", markersize=20),
    labels=[rf"$x_{d}$" for d in range(D)],


A typical way to investigate this issue would be to run a prior* predictive check, applying the same plotting strategy, but drawing \(\theta\) from the prior instead of the posterior. **The support for \(x_{\text{pp}}\) should be larger and should contain \(x_o\)*. If this check is successful, the “blame” can then be shifted to the inference (method used, convergence of density estimators, number of sequential rounds, etc…).